Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

Tracy Fuller has left Toronto to seek her fortune abroad. She will be recording her travels here. If you're interested, read all about it. Otherwise just scroll down for some pretty pictures.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Work Horse

Yesterday may have been my worst working day so far. I arrived at the academy shortly after 2pm and did not leave until 1am this morning. We are to begin testing the students next week and so I had to compose a huge stack of written examinations. On top of that, our older students will be participating in a speaking competition on June 17th that requires them to read 7-8 English novels. Guess who else has to read all those novels...?! And lastly, it is our school's policy that each student submit a 1 to 2-page diary each week, written on a topic of their or our choice. This means that I have a mean stack of notebooks cluttering my desk that haven't even been touched let alone corrected.

Next week we will administer all of the tests, which means I will also have to mark all the tests. Once that is done it will be my turn to write the written commentary regarding each students loquacity on our almost-monthly report cards. As of yesterday our enrollment was just shy of 300 students.

This all means that I may be buried beneath a mountain of work for a short time, but I promise to resurface sometime in mid-June. Last night I considered consoling my silent complaints with the fact that, at 1am, I wasn't the last person to leave our academy: there were still students half my age studying in our "listening lab" and my boss was still teaching a class to our high school students. Alas, that fact merely perturbed me all the more. If ever I thought it was tough being a student in Canada I'm now ready to admit that I was wrong. I've seen the dark side of the moon. It's not pretty. We had it good -- REALLY good.


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