Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

Tracy Fuller has left Toronto to seek her fortune abroad. She will be recording her travels here. If you're interested, read all about it. Otherwise just scroll down for some pretty pictures.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Reverie Sound Revue

Thanks to the wonder of CBC Radio 3's weekly podcasts I have discovered the late, GREAT Canadian band Reverie Sound Revue. Particularly of note is their track "Walking around waiting downtown." Listening to it I am immediately transported back to my idle days of riding and rambling around downtown Toronto waiting for life to happen.

How much will my city have changed by the time I return? I shudder to think. Maybe the monster that will be the R.O.M. will finally be finished? I cannot even fathom how that metal skeleton will transform into a suspended sun-room for antique objects. I am excited to return. It's just not going to happen just yet...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe the monster that will be the R.O.M. will finally be finished?"

LOL don't count on it. I go by there every other day and it hasn't changed THAT much, although it does seem to be picking up a bit lately.

9:13 a.m., June 17, 2006  

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