Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

Tracy Fuller has left Toronto to seek her fortune abroad. She will be recording her travels here. If you're interested, read all about it. Otherwise just scroll down for some pretty pictures.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ferocious Flatmates

I committed a grievous error the other day. There were 2 salmon steaks left in the freezer of our apartment by the previous residents which neither Jessica nor I had claimed. The other day Jess let me know she was taking one and asked if I wanted the other. I said I did and thought nothing of it. Then I noticed a salmon steak sitting in the refrigerator thawing. Remembering that Jess said she "was taking one" almost a week prior I assumed that she had already eaten hers and that this was the lone salmon steak left to thaw into oblivion if I didn't do something about it. So I marinated it in lemon and dill and ate the damn thing. Of course it turned out that the second steak was still somewhere in the freezer and I had just ruined a well-planned dinner. I am the unthinking insensitive asshole in this matter -- admittedly. But I thought the passive-aggressive note that was left for me on my return from work was too priceless to go without photos. Apparently sharing is not one of my strong points.


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