Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

Tracy Fuller has left Toronto to seek her fortune abroad. She will be recording her travels here. If you're interested, read all about it. Otherwise just scroll down for some pretty pictures.

Friday, January 20, 2006

2 co-workers down, 2 to go...

During my first "official" week of work at Lee English Academy one of our 5 employees walked out of our staff meeting and out of the life of our Hagwon forever. Since that time the workload of we, the remaining teachers, has increased 25% (not to mention the extra classes that have been scheduled during our students' 2-month break from public school). Did we received any extra wages for this blatant raise in our pay? No, certainly not. But was I complaining? No. Why? Because I was still just at my 30 contracted teaching hours per week, and 'cause there was little any of us could do about Joon's departure. So that's been life for the past 2 months (--can you believe it's already been two months?!?!?!?).

What arrived yesterday was the straw that will, almost imminently, break this camel's back. Our 4th teacher called-in sick Wednesday morning, by mid-afternoon she had been admitted into the hospital, and before I left work that night she had received some sort of operation and was sleeping safely in the recovery room. What that means for me is that I my daily schedule now begins at 1:00pm, ends at 11:00pm, lacks any breaks to speak of, and includes 33% more paperwork.

I'm beginning to think the word "work" is the most foul four-letter word existent in the English language. I also think we should revise the spelling of the word "stress" so that it can be included with our other illustrious obscenities. What says you, pray?


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